Posted on 6/3/2014

Hours spent in a hot, stifling vehicle can spoil a weekend getaway or vacation. A periodic under-hood inspection may help you address air conditioning problems before they spoil your trip. Here’s what we will look for when inspecting your system. Are A/C component mounting bolts in place and tightly secured? Are caps installed on the A/C system service ports? This keeps out dirt, and also provides a seal for refrigerant. Does the compressor clutch engage when the A/C is switched on? If it doesn’t, this usually indicates a low (or empty) refrigerant condition, or an electrical problem. Rapid clicking or cycling noises at the compressor when the A/C is switched on could also indicate low refrigerant or some other problems. With the engine running and the A/C switched off, is there knocking or rumbling in the vicinity of the compressor. This could indicate a failing compressor clutch, and ... read more
Posted on 8/2/2012
Yes, you need to get your air conditioning looked at. Running the air conditioning like this could be doing damage to the compressor or other costly parts and waiting until there’s a complete breakdown in the system may be costly. Fortunately, there are steps all car owners can take to be sure the air conditioning systems is running optimally and to protect your wallet from expensive repairs. With new state of the art equipment in place, Quality Automotive Servicing will inspect for leaks and if needed recharge the system. Refrigerant in the AC system acts as a lubricant that protects the compressor and other components from wear and tear. Addressing problems early can save you on replacing these components down the road. When you turn on your air conditioning, if you hear odd sounds or the air is not cool, immediate attention to the system is necessary