If your Truckee or Lake Tahoe student is heading off to college and bringing a vehicle, now is the time to start preparing. As a parent of a future college freshman, I know that there is alot to think about in getting ready to send them off. Sometimes the last thing on the to-do list is the vehicle they may be taking. Here are some hints from the folks at Quality Automotive Servicing that will make your students trip back and forth to school safe and worry free.
- Have the oil serviced and get an inspection: The last thing you need is for your student to be seeking out a mechanic and dealing with a repair while at school. Before they leave, have the vehicle in for an oil service and complimentary Red Check Inspect at Quality Automotive Servicing. We will rack to vehicle and give it an overall look. You receive a report giving you an idea of the condition of the vehicle and alerting you to any issues. Do this well before they leave so you have time to fix any items that need attention.
- Be sure the vehicle has a good battery that will start the vehicle when it’s time to come home to Truckee or Lake Tahoe. Nobody wants to miss Thanksgiving dinner!
- A vehicle that sits and is not driven often will still need maintenance. This is especially true for performance vehicles like Audi, BMW or Mercedes. Your student should plan on getting the oil service every 6 months regardless of if the vehicle is driven. This is often overlooked and can result in serious engine damage.
- Always, always, always have your student check the oil level before taking the long drive home. We see too many customer vehicles with blown engines because the student didn’t do this simple check.
- While they are at it, students should also check the wiper fluid level and coolant.
- If your student needs a little expert training in any of thesevital checks and a few more, join us on Thursdays at 12:15 for a 30 minute under-the-hood
informative session. It could save you bundles of cash and a big headache. This is free and hosted by a recent Truckee High School graduate. Your student will feel right at home checking important travel items on their vehicle and begin to establish a healthy relationship with their car.
Make a reservation for Don’t Blow Up Your Engine 101 on our webpage at www.QualityAutomotiveandSmog. Choose “make a service appointment” include your name, phone number and in the service box include the words: Don’t Blow Up Your Engine 101. Depending on response, this program will run every Thursday through the end of September.