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Truckee High School Seniors Present Tips for Holiday Driving

The following message is part of the Quality Automotive Servicing commitment to Full Circle Community Support as we give these students a voice in the community while supporting the class of 2022 in having a "Safe & Sober Graduation".  We invite you to join QAS in supporting "Project Grad; Safe & Sober Graduation" by donating to THS Boosters Grad Night Fund by check or using this link.   

Checks can be mailed to:

Truckee High School Boosters Grad Night

11725 Donner Pass Road

Truckee, CA 96161





A Message From Truckee High School Seniors Brooke & Elsa About Drinking & Driving

The Holiday season is one of many peoples favorites, with family love and social parties to enjoy. Along with holiday festivities many may also choose to drink and with this comes the issue of driving home.

Every December at least 28% of fatal car crashes involve drivers under the influence of alcohol. Presented by the Truckee High Senior class of 2022, here’s some tips we have for the drivers in the community to keep everyone safe from drinking and driving incidents during the holiday season.


  1. On the road avoid possible drunk drivers and give them lots of space. Report them to the police as soon as you safely can.

  2. Always choose a non-drinking designated driver — EVERY TIME you go out.

  3. Never get in a car with a driver who has been drinking.

  4. If you are hosting a party provide non-alcoholic beverages.

  5. If you can safely do so, protect others by taking their keys if they attempt to drive after consuming alcohol. They may be mad at you, but the alternative is much worse.

  6. Although it may not be planned, if you host a party offer guest rooms for anyone that does not have a safe, sober driver or has no ride at all. 

  7. If your high schooler drives, give them a call, we’d be happy to pick you up! We want to see our parents get home safely just as much as you guys do when we go out.


This year we want everyone to enjoy their holidays with your loved ones. Follow these steps to ensure that yourselves and those you know stay safe. Happy Holidays!


Donate to THS Project Grad Safe & Sober Graduation