Posted on 3/23/2022

The Truckee, CA team at Quality Automotive Servicing recognizes owner Bill Greeno for his quick thinking and willingness to take charge and rescue a neighborhood dog. The golden retriever was trapped after it had fallen through the ice toward the middle of Glenshire Pond.Truckee resident and Quality Automotive Servicing owner, Bill quickly evaluated the situation from his backyard and gathered up the needed rescue equipment to make the big save. As a whitewater enthusiast, Bill had the equipment handy; two life jackets, a dry top and a throw rope. Arriving to the scene on his bike, Bill quickly planned the safest rescue for himself and the dog. This included getting wet and cold. Bill set up a system and recruited a bystander to rescue him if things went wrong. He then ventured out on the ice, only to quickly fall through. He then broke ice and swam to the island where he stumbled through the rotten snow to get clos ... read more
Posted on 12/7/2021
The following message is part of the Quality Automotive Servicing commitment to Full Circle Community Support as we give these students a voice in the community while supporting the class of 2022 in having a "Safe & Sober Graduation". We invite you to join QAS in supporting "Project Grad; Safe & Sober Graduation" by donating to THS Boosters Grad Night Fund by check or using this link. Checks can be mailed to: Truckee High School Boosters Grad Night 11725 Donner Pass Road Truckee, CA 96161 A Message From Truckee High School Seniors Brooke & Elsa About Drinking & Driving The Holiday season is one of many peoples favorites, with family love and social parties to enjoy. Along with holiday festivities many may also choose to drink and with this comes the ... read more
Posted on 9/30/2021

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