Posted on 12/8/2020

The big day is almost here and the technicians and team at Quality Automotive Servicing have shared their favorite last minute gift ideas for kids, your sweetheart and your truck owner. Decked System from Bill Greeno, QAS Owner. Bill just invested in the “Decked” system to secure and organize the bed of his Ford Ranger truck. He likes it so much that Quality Automotive Servicing has become a Truckee dealer and installer of the system. Whether you are on the job site or at the campsite, know your gear is hidden, waterproof and secure. Two full-bed length drawers organize your equipment with a 200 lb capacity per drawer and still leave room to bring home the Christmas tree. The sturdy system is tough so there's no problem loading more gear on top. Give QAS a call or stop in and see the demo system. QA ... read more
Posted on 10/23/2020

RESTORE YOUR HEADLIGHTS TO SEE WILDLIFE! My neighbor's daughter was driving carefully that night, watching for deer and other animals on the roadway. But out of the dark crossed a coyote and her pup. A thousand pounds of Toyota and her were about to collide. Luckily she zipped across the road to safety. Was it luck or animal instinct? Daylight savings time ends November 1st and days will become shorter and shorter. Daylight is yielding to darkness and poorly lit mountain roads can be hazardous for your vehicle and wildlife. For your safety and the life of an animal out on the roadway, it’s important to have bright headlights. Over the years of use, headlights will loose clarity and hinder your long distance view on dark Sierra roads such as Highway 89 toward Squaw Valley. The result could be deadly for a neighborhood pet or wild animal. A ... read more
Posted on 6/8/2020
It's easy to think that keeping up on regular oil changes is all your vehicle needs. While regular oil & filter changes are important, at Quality Automotive Servicing in Truckee, we know your vehicle needs more. Let me tell you a true story. My friend has regular oil changes at a “Quick” lube in Reno. Recently he headed to Moab to meet some friends for mountain biking. In eastern Nevada, a belt broke and he became stranded. But that wasn’t the worst of it. When the belt broke, it flung around under the hood and put a hole in the radiator. While all his radiator fluid leaked out, he stood on the side of the road wondering if he even had cell service. While he was seeking bars, and not the drinking kind, he discovered the closest shop that could do the work in a day was in Salt Lake City. He was towed, at his expense, to Salt Lake City where he put his trust in a shop he didn’t know. He purchased a new radiator and belt at considerable expense. This wa ... read more
Posted on 6/5/2020

Overfilling the engine oil can cause serious damage to the engine. Some signs that the car owner can identify that point to overfilling the oil are oil leaks and blue exhaust smoke. When too much engine oil is added, excess oil comes in contact with the crankshaft. The crankshaft, rotating at a high-speed, mixes the oil with air which results in a foamy, aerated mixture. This foamy oil acts like a bad lubricant, and as a result, the oil is not pumped effectively through the engine. Over time, the engine will be starved of proper lubrication, which can result in components failing and the engine seizing. Excess oil in the crankshaft can also cause the catalytic converter to fail. Additionally, overfilling the oil puts pressure on the gaskets and seals, causing oil leaks that may not have been present before. Overfilling the oil happens more often than you might think. Here are some instances where overfilling an happen. Different vehicles hold different ... read more
Posted on 4/16/2020

QAS is going to the dogs and Supporting the HSTT Dogs! Is yours keeping you sane, or insane, during these crazy times? We at Quality Automotive Servicing understand the importance of pets and this week for our Full Circle Friday the QAS team is GOING TO THE DOGS. We are proud to recognize and support our local Humane Society of Truckee Tahoe with a donation for their food pantry. Here’s how you can help… Email us and tell us about your pet story. How is your bond with an animal getting you through the Covid-19 crisis? For each story we will donate $5 to the Humane Society of Truckee Tahoe. We don’t know what we will do with the stories, but if you have a suggestion let us know, we are all ears. ROSEBUD (Bud): Lab, 7 years The other day she was licking the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. As I told her to “leave it”, she got her collar stuck on the fully loaded bottom rack. In a panic ... read more